The seven steps to create a handcarved Sculpture
The first step in creating a sculpture in the studio of the woodcarver Helmut Perathoner is the creation of a sketch, which is discussed subsequently.
Then comes the next step, namely the preparation of a clay model, which in turn is shown to the customer and will be discussed with him.
Now, the sculptor may begin with the actual sculpture. Well mounted and air-dried wood, usually made of lime or stone pine boards, is glued together into a block. Sometimes even half logs are used.
The first steps are done mostly with a chainsaw, with the Helmut Perathoner of the sculpture is the first major lines.
Then there is a more refined drawing with various chisels. In this phase, the expert of the Chamber of Commerce equips the sculptor from a visit to provide the sculpture with the brand “entirely handcarved”.
Now you can get the sculptor to complete the sculpture. It will now be processed with fine chisels, filed and sanded. There are various techniques used, as desired, and taste. The sculpture can be, depending on the order natural or painted. There are many painting techniques, to “take” a work in color. The drum painter can attach various stains or provide the statue with light oil color to the wood grain remains visible. He is the sculpture but also provided with a primer, they put in strong colors, and possibly decorate with gold leaf.