Profane art - Sculptures of the artist Helmut Perathoner

Girl with dog, relief on steel Leonardo Da Vinci Portrait in Holz geschnitzt - Helmut Perathoner - Fan in Holz geschnitzt - Helmut Perathoner - Portrait of woman carved in lime wood - relief - Mom Natuzza bronze lifesize - Perathoner Helmut woodcarver Mom Natuzza bronze detail - Perathoner Helmut woodcarver

In the Renaissance, took the turn to the secular world. Now, private and political relations of men were considered independent of religious values, customs and institutions. Thus arose art, the profane subjects had to content, especially with motifs from ancient mythology and history, such as The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli.

Also for the woodcarver Helmut Perathoner in Ortisei i Val Gardena the secular art is of very great importance, but where he can develop their imagination and creative skills well. He tried in his carved works, with secular topics give the best.

His special liking for the portraits. For this, he usually selects Linde because of their bright color and fine and even grain. Of course, the sculptor also respond to the needs of its customers for a specific type of wood. The woodcarver Perathoner Helmut will contribute his or her professional advice to make the right choice of wood.

For these people, portrait photos are often used him as a template, the best they succeed, of course, if the “model” in the studio as a personal model. In the recent past he has dealt extensively with reliefs, which usually consisted of a stainless steel timber combination. But he chose different themes and made series of pictures to take. Examples include the topics of wine and ballet, which he presented recently with much success at an exhibition.

He recently tried a new combination and that a combination of photo-printing on flat relief.

All works are of course made entirely by hand and therefore get the trademark of the Bolzano Chamber of Commerce. They are also all unique pieces, one to which the sculptor great value. At the presentation of the completed work of art is like the sculptor Helmut Perathoner even here, because there is nothing more motivating than enough for a sculptor as the artwork can be a satisfied customer.